Portugal. 2014 Europa. Musical Instruments. MNH
Portugal. 2020 International Year of the Plant Health. MNH
Portugal. 2020 Granja do Marques. A Past and Present of Aeronautics. MNH
Portugal. 2020 Florence Nightingale. MNH
Portugal. 2020 175th Anniversary of the Creation of the Escola Naval. MNH
Portugal. 2020 Cape - Verdean Association. MNH
Portugal. 2020 A Time For Hope. MNH
Portugal. 2020 75 Years of United Nations. MNH
Portugal. 2020 500 Years of Postal Service in Portugal. MNH
Portugal. 2020 40th Anniversary Motor Guarantee Fund. MNH
Portugal. 2020 40th Anniversary Motor Guarantee Fund. FDC
Portugal. 2020 40th Anniversary Motor Guarantee Fund. Special Folder CTO
Portugal. 2011 World Veterinary Year. MNH